About 18 months ago I was contacted by a young man called Josh Barry who was putting together an article all about Variety. Because I have worked on TV with such people as Jimmy Tarbuck, Sir Bruce Forsyth, Max Bygraves, Michael Grade and Dame Shirley Bassey, he felt that I may be able to add something to his research. We met - a couple of times - and on meeting, of course, I realised what an amazing challenge this has been for him. He suffers from profound Cerebral Palsy. Profound, really profound.
So now on June 17th on the Isle of Wight there is a launch of this 'article' - but here is the press release from Josh himself!!
Following The Money – The Live Launch 17th June 2016 at Gurnard Pines, Cockleton Lane, Gurnard IOW

Two years of work, hundreds of hours of interviews with household names like Jimmy Tarbuck, Michael Grade and Nicholas Parsons, and the support of the British Film Institute are to culminate in the launch of a fascinating radio documentary. Former Scriptwriting student Josh Barry has Cerebral Palsy meaning that he cannot undertake any physical tasks with much precision. Yet thanks to technology has written a documentary on his ipad, solely with his nose. Research, interviews, film production, graphics, editorial… etc etc. The story of television light entertainment in the UK has been told many times but now comes a new slant on an old story. By ‘following the money’ and charting the ebbing fortunes of the showbiz dynasties that ruled the roost, we can shine a light onto the fascinating, lesser known sub-plot featuring the Svengali-like showmen that dictated what the viewing nation would watch and decided which talents would become household names. This is a tale of theatrical agents, wheeler-dealers, multi-talented variety stars, hard-nosed businessmen, showgirls, flamboyant entrepreneurs, American vaudevillians and Charleston dancers. It’s a story that stretches between the Music Hall and the Movie screen but is centred on the home screen during the period that saw the end of the BBC monopoly, the birth of ITV and the irresistible rise of a new showbiz royalty with a controlling interest in all aspects of a newly emerging, dynamic industry. On the 17th June Josh is organising a launch event at Gurnard Pines (7:00pm) showcase excerpts of the documentary alongside a panel of respected figures within the entertainment industry including Bob Monkhouse’s gag writer Colin Edmonds, the BFI's television consultant Dick Fiddy, musical director Mike Dixon and Bournemouth University’s very own Screenwriter in residence John Foster who will offer their professional insight in a forum chaired by IOW Radio’s John Hannam. Tickets are £10 including one a hot/cold buffet with additional proceeds being donated to Headway IOW supporting stroke and brain injured patients in our area.
If you're a fan of British television and the Arts, then a ticket for this event is an absolute must! Get ready to revel in an era of a time gone by with just three television channels, variety stars ruling the airwaves and Cliff was Number 1!!! The songs, the stars and the shows; all will be displayed and discussed in this exclusive evening of entertainment. To book your tickets contact Events at Gurnard: 01983 300066 (opt 4), visit followingthemoney2016.eventbrite.co.uk or email Josh at: beyondthetitle@gmail.com If you're in the East Cowes area you can purchase your tickets directly from me at my bungalow (8, St James Close PO32 6PP)
Thank you and we hope to see you for a night to remember! Josh Barry 01983 339206